Degrassi opens people’s eyes to a lot of new music. Sometimes it’s music performed by the cast (PMS, Hell Hath
No Fury, Downtown Sasquatch) and a lot of the music is from independent artists. This page exists to let you know what
songs you’ve heard.
Episodes/Song Titles
And the respective artists.
Includes links to artist web sites.
Sung by the Degrassi Cast
Songs, songwriters, artists
and lyrics
Songs From Degrassi: The Next Generation
Information about the soundtrack.
Featured Artists
Artists you hear frequently
on Degrassi
Take Action
Original lyrics written by Aubrey Graham, Cassie Steele and Jake Epstein
- If you want a list of exactly which songs were played in specific episodes,
who wrote them, and who sang them, Degrassi Fan Pages provides a wonderful resource.
- Most of the Degrassi episode titles are named after popular songs from the 1980s.
That trend did not start until Season Two.
- Jim McGrath and Jody Colero are in charge of all original music on
the set of Degrassi: The Next Generation.