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All the News that is Fit to Print

Note about the News: Anything listed as News is 100% confirmed.

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19 October

Remember that Season Four of Degrassi will be available on DVD on the 24th of this month. Also, the first two Degrassi graphic novels will be out the 21st of November.

Degrassi cast members are participating in "A Brush of Hope" through The Kidney Foundation of Toronto. For your chance to win a painting done by Aubrey Graham (Jimmy), Andrea Lewis (Hazel), Ryan Cooley (JT), Miriam McDonald (Emma) or Mike Lobel (Jay), check out:

Degrassi The Next Generation Hangout is holding a Degrassi Season Four DVD contest. Check it out at:

There is an interview with Jamie Johnston (Peter) at: will be having new Degrassi webisodes this next month. According to The-N'Sider: "If you like the "What If..." Minis, you'll like these. I can't tell you what all of them will be, but I know these will be among them:

  • A day in the life of Jay (As in what the hell does he do all day when everybody else is at school?)
  • A day in the life of Heather Sinclair (No lie.)
  • A night in prison with Sean (With very little focus on the communal toilet, I hope.)
  • Spirit Squad with Toby, Spinner, Jay, et al. (Dancing? Sources say yes.)
  • Parodies of 24, Lost, and Napoleon Dynamite
  • Something somehow involving Manny, Snake, Instant Star, and a bathroom
  • A whole bunch more" also has new Degrassi wallpapers at:

Melissa McIntrye (Ashley) was in a recent The-N'Sider podcast. Check it out at or iTunes.

According the Degrassi's Executive Producer, the graphic novels are pretty awesome. Here's what he had to say: "I've just gotten back from a big television convention in Europe, and as I walked in the foor from the airport at the same time we received our first coipes of the Degrassi: Extra Credit graphic novels. Adamo and Lauren were walking down the hall as the novels arrived so I called out to them and we all looked at them together and they were amazed, as was I!!!" has a Degrassi article at:,22196,1545454,00.shtml

There's an interview with Daniel Clark (Sean) at:

There's an interview with Cassie Steele (Manny) at:,26334,1537035,00.html

There's an interview with a bunch of Degrassi cast members at:

3 October

For all The-N viewers, Degrassi Season Six has officially begun! If you missed the season premiere, check out The Click over at or iTunes for the latest episode.


The-N is giving away signed Degrassi scripts. Just listen to the podcast this weekend (either through or iTunes).


There will shortly be an online only reality series at The Click entitled Stacey’s NY 101. It will chronicle her first year living in New York City, where she now attends school. Here’s more information about it (from

  • First episode premieres Friday night in The Click (you knew that). That's ONLY in The click. As in: this is our first series created entirely for the Interwebs.
  • In episode one, Stacey preps for the Ultimate Degrassi Party while trying to sort out her class schedule. We'll follow her as she picks out an outfit, shoots the promo campaign, goes to the party, and then afterward hits the town all freaking night with Lauren Collins and Adamo Ruggiero.
  • In episode two (next Friday), her boyfriend comes into the city and they do something involving gourmet food, a helicopter, and (I kid you not) puppets. This is college?
  • Two more episodes after that, all of which may or may not be named after Madonna songs, somehow including even "La Isla Bonita."

The most recent The-N podcast featured Daniel Clark. Check it out at (in the N’Sider) or at iTunes.

28 September

Season Six begins airing on The-N TOMORROW.

Degrassi's Executive Producer has been releasing quite a bit of news in the past few days. Here are his latest posts:


Degrassi made TV Guide's list of 21 shows you've got to see, and about this Friday's episode said: Senior year kicks off in high gear when hunky grease-monkey Sean returns to town to throw a wrench into Emma and Peter's romance. And if that's not teen-soapy enough for you, Marco and Dylan are shacking up and Ash has done some serious growing up over the summer.



Turkey ws amazing thank you. Istanbul is a Muslim city of over 15,000,000 in populaiton, but very open and western in many ways--it sits on the Bosphorus, which joins the Meditarranean Sea to the Black Sea, and is the frontier between Europe and Asia, so if you are on one side you're in Europe, on the other you're in Asia...

Only 4 days till the premier of Degrassi on The N, can't wait to hear how people like the first two eps!!!!

Chatted with Danny, Miriam, Cassie, Jake G, Shenae, Sarah and Deanna today... they're all having a lot of fun filming, but STILL are buzzing about the party in New York.



Just finished mixing the music and sound on the Taking Back Sunday episode... the TBS guys were GREAT (and they've participated in a Mini as well!) and I will be VERY surprised if fans don't love the Craig storyline, featuring (of course) Manny and Ellie)...



Here's an update on the graphic novels from today's Globe and Mail--and how Toronto fans can visit some Degrassi cast tomorrow!

The word on Degrassi
Graphic novels based on the show won't be on sale at the literacy bash, but fans will get a free sampler, JAMES ADAMS reports

There's good news and bad news for fans of the Degrassi franchise when they visit the Word on the Street book and magazine fair tomorrow at Queen's Park Crescent in Toronto.

The good news is that, yes, as promised, at least three stars from TV's Degrassi: The Next Generation -- Cassie (Manny) Steele, Jake (Toby) Goldsbie, Stefan (Archie, a.k.a. Snake) Brogren -- will be at the fair. The bad news is that Turning Japanese, the much-anticipated first volume of a planned four-volume series of graphic novels based on the TV show, is still at the printers and won't be available for sale. Earlier, Word organizers had been proclaiming that fairgoers would get the debut "weeks before [it was] in stores" -- the official release date is Oct. 29 -- and the stars "would be available for signings."

A disappointment, to be sure. But Chris Jackson, director of digital media and merchandising for Epitome Pictures, Degrassi's producer, promises that a nine-page sampler from the 128-page comic -- it's full title is Degrassi: The Next Generation Extra Credit Turning Japanese -- will be available gratis tomorrow.


It was Jackson who, while working last year as director of business development for Toronto's Madison Press Books, dreamed up the idea of a series of manga-style paperbacks as a way of extending the Degrassi brand. Previously, he'd helped publish a book on Degrassi to mark the program's 25th anniversary and its various iterations as one of Canada's most successful cultural exports. To date, in fact, it's estimated 150 countries show one Degrassi series or another.

his time, working with Madison art director Jennifer Lum, Jackson commissioned Toronto comics writer J. Torres (whose credits include Teen Titans Go and Batman Strikes) and illustrator Ed Northcott to prepare some sample pages and cover treatments for perusal and, he hoped, approval by the series' creators, Linda Schuyler and Stephen Stohn. Luckily, the duo liked what they saw and gave the go-ahead last September. Since then publishers in the United States, France and Australia have joined Canada's Fenn Publishing in the project.

Turning Japanese, retailing for $12.95, will be followed a month later by the release of the series' second volume, Suddenly Last Summer, again with a story by Torres and illustrations by another Torontonian, Ramon Perez. The third and the fourth instalments are scheduled for spring, 2007.

Jackson calls Degrassi "a storied property" with "an absolutely rabid fan base," the largest chunk being females between 12 and 17 years of age. Which means he's making sure Torres and company hew closely to the look, content, themes and attitude of the TV series. Indeed, he recently took Eric Kim, the illustrator for the third volume, on a tour of The Next Generation sound stages and back lot to make sure his art will accurately reflect the show. "It really can't be off" -- and if it is, "we know we're going to hear about it."

Indeed, as Torres notes, the stories for all four graphic novels are "back stories or off-camera narratives" from the TV series. Each novel, in fact, deals with the summer experiences that series regulars Paige, Emma, Ellie and the rest might have had between the fifth season of Degrassi: The Next Generation, which ended in the spring, and the sixth, which CTV begins showing in November. Turning Japanese, for example, deals with Ellie's summer job at a comic-book company and the sexual harassment she suffers from an editor there. In Suddenly Last Summer, Emma takes a trip to New York while Jimmy gets a coaching job at a basketball camp.

Torres says it's been both a "challenge" and "fun" to "make as seamless as possible what's on the printed page with what's on the TV set. . . . In a way, I imagine what I'm doing is similar to what writers of soap operas experience in terms of maintaining continuity and consistency." Jackson anticipates the graphic novels will be a commercial success. But he stresses they're not some bald money grab. "They're another vehicle by which we can tell Degrassi stories," he says. "It's about serving the Degrassi fan base well." Indeed, "what graphic novels allow us to do is flesh out the characters a little more . . . and put them in different situations


21 September

Friday was the massive Ultimate Degrassi Party at the Hard Rock Café in New York City. The party was the official launch party for Season Six. Various Degrassi cast members, crew, cast members of other The-N shows (particularly Instant Star, Beyond the Break, and South Of Nowhere) were all there with various contest winners. Here’s a run-down of some of the big details:


The Degrassi cast members who attended:

Sarah Barrable-Tishauer (Liberty)
Stefan Brogren (Snake)
Deanna Casaluce (Alex)
Daniel Clark (Sean)
Lauren Collins (Paige)
Stacey Farber (Ellie)
Jake Goldsbie (Toby)
Aubrey Graham (Jimmy)
Shenae Grimes (Darcy)
Jamie Johnston (Peter)
Shane Kippel (Spinner)
Mike Lobel (Jay)
Miriam McDonald (Emma)
Melissa McIntyre (Ashley)
Adamo Ruggiero (Marco)
Cassie Steele (Manny)


The main event of the party was the screening of the first two episodes of Season Six. According to Degrassi’s Executive Producer Stephen Stohn: “Everyone seemed to really like the first two episodes (don't know how much they were able to hear because they were screaming all the way through it!) and the cast members I talked to afterwards said it was one of the biggest highlights of their lives.” During the event, some prizes were given out, including brunch with Degrassi cast members, bowling with Adamo, Aubrey, Daniel and Shane, a manicure with Lauren and Stacey, and shopping with Cassie and Miriam the day after the party.


Here are some pictures from the party:


Other News:

ˇ All the Degrassi character pages on have been updated with new information and pictures (look for Season Six flipbooks).

ˇ The October issue of CosmoGIRL features Degrassi cast members.


17 September

Here are the most recent posts from the Executive Producer:

I almost missed the New York party--in fact I missed most of it. I was called back a day early from Istanbul to appear before the Copyright Boad in Ottawa yesterday, and then got trapped for 8 hous in airport/weather difficulties and only made it to the Hard Rock Cafe where the party and screening were right near the end! But it was a terrific event, and what a thrill to see the name Degrassi in lights on Broadway in Times Square.
Everyone seemed to really like the first two episodes (don't know how much they were able to hear because they were screaming all the way through it!) and the cast members I talked to afterwards said it was one of the biggest highlights of their lives.
Just heading off now to a brunch with the cast members and some fans who won a contest. Oh, and Alexz and Tim from Instant Star got huge screams when they were introduced last night (it was mostly Degrassi, there were 18 Degraqssi cast members there, but also some stars from INstant Star, Beyond the Break and South of Nowhere).

A fun breakfast/lunch on the terrace on top of the MTV building yesterday with Miriam, Cassie, Lauren, Adamo, Stacey, Danny, Shane and Aubrey and some contest winners... The Degrassi cast were VERY moved by the enthusiastic reception they were given the previous night, and how much the fans loved the first two episodes--and the cast were seeing those episodes for the first time and loved them too. Whew!!!

11 September

Here's the latest post from Degrassi's Executive Producer:

All thiw discussion is fascinating for me. Thank you.

I'm in Istanbul, Turkey now, but will be back in North America in time to attend the big screening event along wiht 18 of our Degrassi cast in New York this Friday. I'll be very interested to se the fan reaction ot the first two episodes, including the new title sequence, on Friday.

I haven't seen the YouTube version, but am guessing it is the ifnal one--this is not a test, we've all grown to really like the new opening and it has a feature that the old one did not, namely that as chacters come and go they can be relatively easily added or removed from the opening, which really was not easily done with the previous version. I really like the new mix of the theme, and think that lyrics would have drawn attention away from the visuals--which are fairly intricate when you see them on the tv screen. I think Jakalope did a great job with the remix, but that's just my view and everyone is entitled to their own view!!!

Anyway, as I say I'm looking forward to Friday and finding out if everyone else at the screening thinks this season is going to be as good as I think it will be!!!

By the way, the Degrassi cast members at the screeningwill be seeing these episodes for the first time, they will also be seeing the new title sequence for the first time, so it will be fascinating to get their reaction!!

6 September

Seasons Four and Five of Degrassi are now availble for download on iTunes. Each season costs $29.99.

3 September

A recent hint in's N'Sider seems to imply that Degrassi episodes will be available for download via iTunes soon. (Note that this is NOT 100% confirmed.)

The most recent The-N podcast featured Stefan Brogren (Snake). You can download it via and iTunes. (If you're having trouble finding it on iTunes, search "The-Mary".)

30 August

You can vote in the Degrassi 40 Most Go There-Est Moments here. The winners will be aired once a week for four weeks starting 18 September at 8pm (Eastern).

Recent The-N Podcasts have featured Cassie Steele (Manny) and Shane Kippel (Spinner). You can download the individual podcasts through and iTunes.

21 August

In the later part of Season Six, JT gets involved in a fight with new character Nick. Apparently there is a rather large fight with a number of extras. Here's the post from the Executive Producer:

The scene where JT hits Nick in the head with the mascot head was the one we were shooting when some of the cast members from CSI: Miami visited the set--they had a blast, and it looks great with all the extras there's a major fight that it is all part of...

Starting on 8 September and continuing for three weeks, The-N will be airing specials every weeked called Degrassi: 40 Most Go There-est Moments, counting down the 40 most "shocking" moments in Degrassi history. The specials will also include sneak peeks of Season Six.

18 August

The-N commercials are stating that Degrassi's new season will being airing in September, making the airdate 29 September (last Friday of the month) barring an unexpected change.

13 August - major news today!

Major news update from Degrassi’s Executive Producer.

  • The airdate for Season Six has NOT been confirmed for The-N or CTV. Season Six will premiere on The-N on either 28 September or 6 October. It will premiere on CTV in mid-November.
  •  Taking Back Sunday will be in 2 Degrassi episodes and 1 Degrassi webisode this season.
  • Craig (Jake Epstein) will be in the episodes featuring Taking Back Sunday.
  • Someone with the initials “HS” will also be in the episodes featuring Taking Back Sunday.
  • There will be at least 19 Minis/Webisodes this season; four have already been filmed.
  • The movie IS still in the works, but the delay in shooting has forced the writers to completely change the storyline to fit in with the main Degrassi timeline.
  • Season Six filming has been completed up until episode 610.


Here’s the full post from the Exec:

To answer a few question:

The Season 6 broadcast in the U.S. will likely be either the first Friday in October or the last Friday in September--no word yet on an exact start date for Canada, although the announced plan is to start in mid-November but running two episodes back-to-back each week...

Yes, Craig is featured in the episodes which have Taking Back Sunday in them.

We have already shot 4 new Minis for this season, and will be shooting at least another 15. One of the Minis also features Taking Back Sunday... and another features someone whose initials are HS!!

As most of you have heard, in place of the mall tours there will be one big event this year which will feature almost all of the Degrassi cast (and Linda and me) in one location in New York... have to wait for The N give out any more details...

As for the movie, we're still working on it, but because of the original delay we have to completely revamp the storyline....

Right now we are shooting Instant Star (Alexz is in the studio today recording tracks for the upcoming episodes--we shoot 303 of Instant Star this week, then 611 of Degrassi next week....

12 August - later in the day

Degrassi cast members will be in Freehold, New Jersey and La Grange, Illinois signing the Degrassi grapic novels. Details are as follows:

  • Freehold, New Jersey: 18 November at 7pm at Barnes & Noble on 3981 US Hwy 9
  • La Grange, Illinois: 2 December at 2pm at Borders Books & Music on 1 N. La Grange Road

12 August

This week' s the N’Sider Podcast featured Adamo Ruggiero (Marco). You can download it here.


Adamo was shooting a big, emotional scene with Stacey Farber (Ellie) at the time of the interview. The interview focused on his top 5 Degrassi episodes and why he chose them. Here are his top 5 episodes and a synopsis of why Adamo likes them:


Basketball Diaries

            First Degrassi episode Adamo ever saw, right before he auditioned for the show. Adamo was not aware of Marco’s storyline initially, and he had no clue he’d be portraying a gay character.



Featured Adamo’s first line on the show, and his first time in a full storyline. “Where it all began.”


Pride (I & II)

         “Ginormous responsibility’ carrying two episodes. Feels it is one of the best written episodes of Degrassi. Made him feel like he could turn acting into a career. Represented an important issue.


Time Stands Still

         Represents what Degrassi is all about. The Degrassi cast and crew and various family members watched it all together, and felt as though it really hit close to home; many people were crying at the screening.


Together Forever

He had a lot of fun shooting it, and really enjoyed his fellow cast members. Really thought it had an amazing message. Adamo really identified with it; with his friends going off to university, and leaving him behind  in Toronto; it helped him realize and deal with the idea of growing up and moving on. Of all Degrassi episodes, it most helped him in his life.


Marco also talked about his 20th birthday party, which was Cars themed. He chose that theme because he loves animation. They saw the movie in 3D and afterwards they went out to get pizza. Marco was very excited about his “grade 5 birthday party.”


Last week’s The N’Sider Podcast featured Miriam McDonald (Emma). You can download it here.


Miriam McDonald was not at work the day of the interview. She was planning on hanging out with friends all day. The interview focused on her top 5 Degrassi episodes and why she chose them. Here’s a synopsis of why she chose the episodes:


Back In Black

Her favorite because it set the tone for the second half of the series (in terms of pre-school shooting, and post school shooting). It was the first episode after which all the characters were forever changed by the shooting. It also featured the climax of the Sean/Emma relationship. First time that Emma and Ellie “showed their weakness for Sean”. It was the first time Stacey Farber and Miriam worked on the show together.


Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

She loved getting dressed up. She liked that it was the first time Emma was really rebellious.         


Against All Odds

It was a transformation episode, where Emma was breaking some walls and expanding her boundaries. Miriam celebrated her 16th birthday while shooting this; on the last take of the scene where she comes in through the basement to find Craig and Manny making out on her bed, she found Jake Epstein and Cassie Steele with a birthday cake. It was one of her most memorable birthdays.


Tell It To My Heart

Liked it because it was an episodes “where Emma goes somewhere where you don’t expect her to go.” Miriam enjoys the episodes where can push her character in unexpected directions, and challenge herself as an actress.


Lexicon of Love

Loved the Paige and Alex storyline. Loved the challenges her character faced in that episode. Enjoyed the whirlwind of things going on in her character’s life in the midst of a movie premiere. Liked being able to get dressed up.


11 August

TV Guide is reporting that Season Six will begin airing on The-N on 29 September 2006. TV Guide is the only place where this date has been mentioned, so there is a possibility it might change. Here's the TV Guide mention of Degrassi.

7 August

The sweepstakes to win a trip to NYC to see the premiere of Season Six with Degrassi cast members has officially begun here:

You have to make a video stating why you deserve to go and send it to The-N; videos will be judged on "Originality, Creativity, and Intensity of 'fan-ness.'" Full details are at the site listed above. Before anyone gets too excited, keep in mind that contestants have to be legal US residents between the ages of 13 and 21


6 August

The lastest The-N podcast features Miriam McDonald (Emma). Download it here.

1 August

If the advertisements for the Degrassi Every Episode Ever Marathon on The-N are to be believed, Accidents Will Happen WILL air this month, during the weekend of the 18th. A recent promo showed a scene from Accidents Will Happen, so it looks like the two-part episode will be aired in America for the first time.

31 July

Some exciting Degrassi news from

  • As previously reported, The-N will begin airing a Degrassi every episode ever marathon this Friday. This Friday the marathon will start with episode 101 and go through 209. The marathon picks up again next Friday.
  • Later this month The-N will release a soundtrack, featuring music from all its shows, including the Degrassi theme and "Do What You Do" by Drake (a.k.a. Aubrey Graham/ Jimmy).
  • "One N viewer, maybe you, will win a trip to the Degrassi season six premiere party in New York City. This party's shaping up to be the biggest N event ever, a serious red carpet deal with not only the first hour of the new season, but also ten Degrassi stars, but also also stars from Instant Star, Beyond the Break, South of Nowhere, and Whistler. And I'm not invited. Geez, show up at one party with a ham covered with ants and you're blackballed for life.... But you, lucky viewer, may be invited. I can't tell you how to score the tickets yet, but it involves doing something with a video camera. And not ingesting it, either. Stay tuned."

30 July

This week's Degrassi Tells All was 304 - 305 Pride, hosted by Adamo Ruggiero (Marco) and Shane Kippel (Spinner). Some of the information revealed was:

According to Adamo, the day on the beach was “the coldest, wettest, muckiest day. Ever. “


Pride was Jay’s first appearance. According to Adamo and Shane, Mike Lobel is “completely, completely” the opposite of Jay in real life.


Marco and Shane improvised some of their scenes together.


Shane felt disturbed having to write “fag” on the wall.


The bashing scene was shot very late at night, and the actors were told to take it all the way. Adamo says it was the first time he really, truly felt what the character was feeling. During part of the fight scene, the female stunt coordinator doubled for Marco.


The director wanted Aubrey Graham (Jimmy) to get very much into the scene, and be tired out when he finds Marco, so he made him run. After the sprint, Aubrey puked. And then apparently ate a burger, according to Adamo.


28 July

There's a good article about the Degrassi Grapic Novels here. After the first two graphic novels come out this November, the next one will come out April 2007, and then the next in May 2007. The grapic novels' plots will follow the plots in Degrassi: The Next Generation. The "stories in the first run of issues take place between seasons five and six of the series."

Starting August 4th, The-N will be airing a marathon of all Degrassi episodes ever.

27 July

According to Degrassi's Executive Producer, the cast and crew are in the process of filming episodes 609 - 610, which will feature music from a "well-known" band and a "character who is linked to music."

26 July

Degrassi's Executive Producer has revealed some information about the opening sequence. Apparently, it will be very different from previous seasons, featuring each individual cast member with scenes from past seasons. The theme song will remain essentially the same, but without vocals.

Other than that, shooting for Season Six is completed up until episode 608. Also, some Degrassi cast members (along with the Executive Producer) saw Clerks II (written and directed by Kevin Smith) with some Instant Star cast members recently.

Here's the Executive Producer's latest post:

Hello, hello.

We're just in the process of finalizing the opening sequence--it's quite different from the past, as for the most part each individual cast member will have a shot of them in the foregound, with key past scenes featuring them in the background like swirling memories. The music is essentially the same music, but remixed to be more modern and with no vocals anymore.

We've also just completed the soundmix and post-production on 601 and I think you will be pleasantly shocked at how well the ongoing storylines of the characters who have graduated mix with the storylines of the characters who are still attending Degrassi--and yes there are a few new characters, and I think you're going to end up really liking them.

We've completed shooting up to episode 608, and are now shooting the first two episodes of Instant Star.

On the weekend, a whole group of the Degrassi and Instant Star cast and crew joined us to see the new Kevin Smith movie (Clerks 2)--which is totally the grossest film I think I've ever seen, but very funny, and oddly romantic at the same time.

The latest Degrassi Tells All was 213 White Wedding, hosted by Jake Epstein (Craig) and Miriam McDonald (Emma) with a special appearance by Daniel Clark (Sean). Some of the information revealed:

Daniel and Jake hinted that their characters would be returning. (Note that it has already been confirmed 100% officially that they WILL be returning for Season Six).

Miriam revealed that she had a crush on Kristin Holden Reid (Tracker - Sean's brother) when he was on the show.

16 July

Note: News has been reaaaallllly slow recently. Degrassi Freak isn't neglecting to report things, there are just not many things to report.

J. Torres (the author of the Degrassi graphic novels) will be appearing at the 2006 Comic-Con International San Diego from 20 - 23 July. Along with a number of appearances listed here, he will be appearing at the Degrassi: Extra Credit panel with artist Ramon Perez on the 23rd. Information about the Convention can be found at

According to Simon & Schuster (the publisher of Degrassi graphic novels), the first two Degrassi grapic novels (entitled Degrassi: Extra Credit) will be released in November. The first one will be called Turning Japanese and the second will be called Suddenly Last Summer. They will be priced $10.99.

The past two Degrassi Tell Alls were When Doves Cry (hosted by Miriam McDonald and Jake Epstein) and Shout (hosted by Shane Kippell and Lauren Collins). Some information revealed:

The producers offered to send Jake Epstein to a psychologist to deal with the issues involved in When Doves Cry.

Miriam McDonald hinted that she might have had a crush on Jake Epstein during filming for Season Two.

Jake Epstein apparently has no idea what the correct name for the room where photos are developed (the correct word is darkroom). 

The producers told the cast not to talk to Lauren Collins the entire night whilst filming the party scene for Shout.

Lauren Collins and Andrea Lewis were in hysterics for about and hour whilst filming the party scene for Shout because the boom operator (records the sound) was hit in the eye with a moth.

Lauren Collins says that the actor who played Dean was very, very nice and did his best to make her comfortable in an awkward situtation.

Lauren Collins and Shane Kippell were speculating as to whether Paige and Spinner will get back together; thinking they might be the Caitlyn and Joey of Degrassi: The Next Generation.

5 July

According to Degrassi's Executive Producer, there will not be the traditional mall tours this year. However, there will be a large event to launch the new season in the US.

Also, the opening sequence will be changed quite a lot (as reported here earlier), but the Executive Producer gave a few more hints as to what would be changed. Here's what the Exec said:

Yes, we were taking a long Canada Day holiday, but now it's time to wish all our American friends Happy July 4th Independence Day!!!

We've been working on the new opening sequence, which may surprise some people, but we are really liking the direction it is taking. As for the music, it is the same basic track, but we've been working with Dave Ogilvie and Jakalope to remix it and use fewer vocals becase of all the things that will be happening onscreen during the opening sequence!

And I haven't want to supplant what The N may want to announce, but it will be becoming clear to everyone that the traditional mall tours as we know them from the past won't be happening this year, but a large event is being planned to launch the series in the U.S. prior to October...

1 July

This week's Degrassi Tells All was 306 Gangsta, Gangsta. Miriam McDonald (Emma) and Mike Lobel (Jay) revealed the following things:

The Dot is being renovated for Season Six.

During the fight scene in Gangsta Gangsta, Daniel Clark (Sean) actually punched Mike Lobel, hurting him in the process.

Gangsta, Gangsta was Mike Lobel's second episode of Degrassi and Deanna Casaluce's (Alex) first.

Deanna Casaluce originally auditioned for the role of Paige.

Mike Lobel originally auditioned for the role of Dylan.

In Season Six, viewers will get to see more of Jay's good side.

24 June - later in the day

There's an article in the Toronto Star about the drag race scene in Degrassi here. The article has been circulating around the net recently, but check it out if you haven't seen it yet. Here's some info about what was revealed in the article:

The drag race will involve a light blue Saab, an orange Acura Intergra and a modified Honda Civic coupe. The Saab will be driven by a "hotshot rich kid." The drag race scene will be in the first episode of Season Six.

24 June - Podcasts and Tell Alls

The Degrassi Tell All episode this week was 216 Message in a Bottle. Miriam McDonald (Emma) and Melissa McIntyre (Ashley) revealed the folllwing things about that episode:

  • Miriam put extra wasabi sauce on Daniel Clark's (Sean) sushi, and he had to act through the burn.
  • Stefan Brogren (Snake) was instructed to act like Daniel's socks smelt.
  • Miriam and Melissa hinted about Sean and Emma reuniting and Ashley and Jimmy reuniting in Season Six . . . but there was no confirmation. has been having some podcasts recently (as has been previously reported), and to keep those of you unable to access them updated on Degrassi information, here is the Degrassi related information revealed:

According to Stacey Farber (Ellie):

  • Craig will be returning sometime after the first six episodes.
  • Ellie will be in episodes 608 and 609 "a lot".
  • Stacey Farber spent last school year attending a university in Toronto, but is transferring to a school in New York this fall. She is studying writing.
  • Adamo Ruggiero (Marco) celebrated his 20th birthday with a viewing of Disney/Pixar film "Cars".

According to Andrea Lewis (Hazel):

  • Andrea Lewis is focusing on her music career right now. She is spending most of her time in LA recording her second album.
  • She has an official myspace page at:
  • Although Hazel will not be a regular Degrassi character, she will be returning for some guest appearances.

23 June

Degrassi's Executive Producer released some mini spoilers. Namely: there will be a drag racing scene and Manny and Spinner will be in a scene together. Also, there may or may not be a death at Degrassi. Here's Exec's post:

For the record, we've been re-thinking about whether the character should die or not. Maybe yes, maybe no!

For the past couple of days we've had the 22 finalists for Canadian Idol visiting the set--the 11 guys on Thursday, and the 11 girls today (I'm the lawyer for all the Canadian Idol finalists, to help them with the various agreements they may be signing.)

So after we had a long meeting with the Idols, we toured the set, and introduced them to some of the cast that were in--Cassie and Shane were rehearsing one scene, but they weren't allowed into the scene with [names omitted here] because it was a Closed Set.

They also checked out one of the cars that was featured in the street-racing episode... and had their picture taken in front of the school set! has a new podcast, which features Andrea Lewis (Hazel).

19 June

Degrassi's Executive Producer announced two more Season Six episode titles (609- 610 Shake the Disease I & II). He also gave us some information about the graduating students. His post is as follows:

All I will say is this: those of you who think we shouldn't follow the characters after they graduate (note that just because they've graduated doesn't necessarily mean they are going to university) have a reasonable point--it is one that we have spent a lot of time debating internally, and we think we've found a way to make it all realistic and also good entertainment. Most of this season will centre around the Degrassi experience still, although as we get near the end of the season you'll see more about what's happening to the graduates, and the storylines are pretty cool, so let's keep an open mind about it.

I've seen rough cuts of the first two episodes, and while I'm sure some of you will like them and others won't, to me they are among the strongest episodes yet. Can't wait till we see final cuts, and then we can add the music and the sound design etc.

The episode titles thus far announced are:

601 Here Comes Your Man Part 1
602 Here Comes Your Man Part 2
603 True Colours

604 Can't Hardly Wait
605 Eyes Without A Face Part 1
606 Eyes Without A Face Part 2
607 Working For The Weekend
608 Crazy Little Thing Called Love
609 Shake the Disease Part 1
610 Shake the Disease Part

18 June

James Lorimer & Company has just published a set of four classic Degrassi novels, allowing fans new and old to meet their favourite characters — Joey, Caitlin, Snake and Spike — when they were teens. The authors were involved with the creation of the original television series.

To read an excerpt of one book (explaining how Spike became pregnant with Emma) go here.


14 June

There's a great article about Lauren Collins (Paige) here. Apparently, she's currenting in Israel on a Birthright tour (similar to what Stacey Farber did earlier this year). The article mentions that she will be in a movie called Charlie Bartlett, which will also feature Jake Epstein (Craig) and perhaps other Degrassi stars. It will star Robert Downey, Jr.  She is also working on the Disney Channel show Life With Derek.


12 June

The first episode of Degrassi Tells All (this Friday) will feature Adamo Ruggiero (Marco) and Stacey Farber (Ellie) discussing "Take My Breath Away".


8 June 2006

According to Degrassi's Executive Producer, Season Six of Degrassi will begin airing on The-N in October, and will begin airing on CTV in November. Here's the word from Exec:

yes, here's the Hollywood Reporter story which confirms the october start for Degrassi on The N

OH, and a note to Canadians, we are told that DWTS will complete sometime in November, so that means a November start for Degrassi in Canada, so even if The N starts first, because CTV will air two episodes a week it won't take that long to catch up and then CTV will be ahead again. Not that it's a compeittion!!

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - The N, the nighttime network for teens, said Wednesday it has gone into production on a sixth season of "Degrassi: The Next Generation."

The network plans to roll out 19 new episodes starting in October. For the first time, the series will follow the graduating classmates as they adjust to college life, full-time jobs and new responsibilities. Season 6 also will feature returning students as well as introduce new students.

On Friday, The-N will start a podcast. Stacey Farber will be in the first podcast.

7 June 2006 - Press Release is OUT Read it HERE

The major aspects of the press release are as follows:

Returning cast members:

  • Dalmar Abuzeid as Danny
  • Barrable-Tishauer as Liberty
  • John Bregar as Dylan
  • Deanna Casaluce as Alex
  • Daniel Clark as Sean
  • Lauren Collins as Paige
  • Ryan Cooley as JT
  • Jake Epstein as Craig
  • Stacey Farber as Ellie
  • Jake Goldsbie as Toby
  • Aubrey Graham as Jimmy
  • Shenae Grimes as Darcy
  • Johnston as Peter
  • Shane Kippel as Spinner
  • Mike Lobel as Jay
  • Miriam McDonald as Emma
  • Melissa McIntyre as Ashley
  • Adamo Ruggiero as Marco
  • Cassie Steele as Manny
  • Stefan Brogren as Archie "Snake" Simpson
  • Amanda Stepto as Christine "Spike" Nelson
  • Melissa Dimarco as Principal Hatzilakos

James Hurst is a new Executive Producer (along with Stephen Stohn and Linda Schuyler).

This means that the following cast members will NOT be returning (at least as regular cast members):

  • Andrea Lewis (Hazel)
  • Stacie Mistysyn (Caitlin)
  • Pat Mastroianna (Joey)

There will also be a 16 year-old single mother character, but her name has not be announced.


5 June 2006 - later

Here's the first official press release regarding Degrassi's Season Six:

Degrassi: The Next Generation - Season 6 (19 x 30 mins)
For the first time, the Degrassi series will follow its graduates as they enter university and discover life beyond high school. The younger class, who are now in their final year of high school, get caught up in a vicious school rivalry that will have life-altering affects on some of its students. In fact, this year a member of the regular cast will die. Produced by Epitome Productions in association with CTV.


5 June 2006

CTV has not given any Degrassi-specific press releases yet, but they will be out by the end of the day. Keep checking back here for the latest news.

What HAS been confirmed is as follows:

Every Tuesday, CTV will air two new back-to-back Degrassi episodes.

CTV has launched CTV on Demand (a service similar to The-N's The Click) where Canadian viewers (only Canadian) can watch Degrassi episodes and webisodes online. According to THIS, Season Five of Degrassi and Degrassi Minis will be made available online today.

2 June 2006

As expected, Degrassi's Executive Producer confirmed that there will be some major Degrassi announcements this coming Monday (5 June). Additionally, it has been confirmed that Deanna Casaluce (Alex) and Mike Lobel (Jay) will be returning to Degrassi for Season Six. Here's Exec's full post:

wow, I just came back from the lcoation where we are shooting today--we are closing off a street in Toronto and have a whole bunch of really cool looking cars--the shooting is going to go VERY late into the night--it's not as warm as it has been recently, so Miriam had these big baggy clothes she put on when she was on break, she joked that she was imppersonating the Michelin Man! It was nice seeing Deanna--I've seen the other actors over the past week or so, but she wasn't at the read-through so this was the first time we'd seen each other in a while. Mike Lobel and Jamie and a returning character were there too!

Can't wait till Monday, lots will be announced (although as it turns out some of the things we were hoping to announce won't be ready to be announced yet, but will be soon--but don't worry, there'll be lots of news).

Oh, and they will also announce the broadcast schedule for Season 2 of Instant Star in Canada!

30 May 2006

According to Degrassi's Executive Producer, there will be two new characters in the halls of Degrassi during Season Six: Jesse and Mia.

A couple of new actors were at the read-through--one playing the new character Mia, and another playing the new character Jesse... some of the actors couldn't be there because they had to be on set!


29 May 2006

Some news from Degrassi's Executive Producer:

We had a read-through of 605 and 606 today... and I think we are going to switch 603 and 604 around (i.e. 603 will become 604, and the script that was 604 will become 603)!

This probably means that the episode list thus far is now:

601 Here Comes Your Man Part 1
602 Here Comes Your Man Part 2
603 True Colours
604 Can't Hardly Wait
605 Eyes Without A Face Part 1
606 Eyes Without A Face Part 2
607 Working for the Weekend
608 Crazy Little Thing Called Love


24 May 2006

Apparently Toronto is getting pretty steamy, according to reports from Degrassi's Executive Producer:

The kissing scene today came off very romantically, looked great!


23 May 2006

Degrassi has officially begun filming. Here’s a tidbit from the Executive Producer on what they have been filming (apparently a scene with Emma, Manny and a mystery character):


And we're now finished shooting the first few scenes of the new season--this morning we've been shooting in a classroom and then around the lockers, featuring Emma and Manny and, let's just say another lead character.............


According to Degrassi’s Executive Producer, Stacey Farber (Ellie) recently returned from Israel.  The Executive Producer also mentioned that he was discussing the trip with Stacey after a script read-through, thereby confirming that Ellie will be in Season Six of Degrassi.


Starting next month, The-N will be airing uncut Degrassi episodes featuring commentary from the cast members. One of those episodes will be “Gangsta, Gangsta.” Also, the commentary (not sure which episodes) will feature Miriam McDonald, Melissa McIntyre, Jake Epstein and Shane Kippel.

20 May 2006

It seems as though we will be receiving a lot of information about Season Six (among other things) sometime around 5 June 2006. CTV will be holding a presentation to introduce all the fall shows, and a lot of information about Degrassi will be kept secret until then. Here's the post from Degrassi's Executive Producer:

The Start of Produciton press release will be delayed until June 5 or later--June 5 is when CTV holds its annual Fall Launch presentation and party for advertisers and sponsors, and makes a lot of announcements there--so they want to hold off until then announcing officially the number of episodes, as well as announcing the number of webisodes and also a bunch of other things that I can't talk about until then!!

18 May 2006

Degrassi's Executive Producer just announced the (tentative) episode title for 607. It's Working for the Weekend. Here's the full list so far:

601 Here Comes Your Man Part 1
602 Here Comes Your Man Part 2
603 Can't Hardly Wait
604 True Colours
605 Eyes Without A Face Part 1
606 Eyes Without A Face Part 2
607 Working for the Weekend
608 Crazy Little Thing Called Love

16 May 2006 - later in the day

Degrassi's Executiver Producer just released the latest tentative episode titles for Season Six. Also, "By this time next week we'll be getting close to the end of the first day of shooting of Season 6!!! We just had a read-through of 603 and 604. Everyone's looking forward to starting filming! " Here's tentative episode list:

601 Here Comes Your Man Part 1
602 Here Comes Your Man Part 2
603 Can't Hardly Wait
604 True Colours
605 Eyes Without A Face Part 1
606 Eyes Without A Face Part 2
607 not sure yet
608 Crazy Little Thing Called Love


16 May 2006

The-N put out a press release about the Season Five finale. Read it here. High Fidelity (I) will air on 2 June. High Fidelity (II) will air on 9 June. Also, "On Friday, June 2, The N will sneak peek an exclusive, one-minute Degrassi clip at 8:25 p.m. (ET) at, highlighting upcoming story lines and key moments in support of the Degrassi season five finale."


14 May 2006 updated their Fan Pages with Season Five info (including music) and new pictures (of scenes from Season Five, cast members, and a couple pages from the graphic novels.


Cinco de Mayo - Exciting Season Six News!

There will be 19 episodes of Degrassi in Season Six! Also filming will begin 23 May. Here's the official confirmation from Degrassi's Executive Producer:

We LOVE Taking Back Sunday. Wouldn't it be great if we could talk them into appearing in the show??? I'm probably just dreaming.

I'm just in New York now, spent the day in meetings about the new seasons for both Degrassi and Instant Star, there's lots planned it's going to be quite exciting.

Oh, and we can ow confirm that we will be shooting 19 episodes of Degrassi this season, and 13 episodes of Instant Star. Principal photography will commmence May 23 for Degrassi and July 3 for Instant Star!

There's an IMterview on with Jamie Johnston (Peter) here.


2 May 2005

There's an interview with Aubrey Graham (Jimmy) here. (Look under "May 1, 2006 - Drake")

Kevin Smith credits Degrassi with part of the reason he decided to make Clerks II. (according to News Askew)

"The inspiration to make "Clerks II" came from the following...

a) a desire to make a movie in which celebrities didn't figure in the prominent roles (a reaction to what happened with "Jersey Girl").

b) working on the "Clerks X" DVD, I fell in love with Dante and Randal all over again.

c) I wanted to make a movie about what I felt like it was like to be in my thirties. Since "Clerks" was about what I felt like it was like to be in my twenties, using Dante and Randal to talk about being thirty seemed to make sense.

d) "Degrassi: The Next Generation" not only revisited the familiar but improved upon it so well, that it made me want to do the same with my own characters"

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