Degrassi is facing the
past. Every single day. ~Jimmy, CTV Promo
We tackle things that
people know are happening but nobody wants to talk about. ~Adamo Ruggiero, Degrassi: Behind the Scenes
In the end it’s
entertaining people, but I like to hope it’s helping somebody. ~ Jake Epstein, Degrassi: Behind the Scenes
almost for me that Degrassi lost its virginity when Jimmy got shot. It grew up. ~James Hurst, Degrassi: Behind the Scenes
Craig is troubled. And high maintenance.
And tends to be clueless about other people's feelings. Oh, and he has a little problem with monogamy. But hey: he plays the
guitar and looks good in a leather jacket. These are the trade-offs we make in life. Have fun!, Which Degrassi
Character Should You Date?
J.T. is Stupidposted 11/19/2005
So J.T., you've got a baby on the way, and you need money. So you decide to steal narcotics
and sell them to criminals. That's a fantastic idea. Sure, this will all work out fine. You'll sit with Liberty in your new
apartment nine months from now, sipping frozen umbrella drinks, saying, "Swiping handfuls of pills and doling them out to
violent addicts was the best thing I ever did, right Pumpkin Blossom? Hmm, little Oswald Carrottop Yorke is crying. Where
did his solid-gold pacifier get to? Oh, there it is. Can you pick it up, Cinnabunny? It rolled under the Ferrari. No, dear,
the Ferrari. That's the Maserati."
Here's another idea for you, J.T.: why don't you recruit a disgruntled former military demolitions officer,
a brilliant but socially awkward computer security expert, a beautiful but deadly lady ninja, and maybe a master French cat
burglar named Le Fantôme, then team up to hijack a train full of diamonds guarded by Israeli Mossad agents as it rolls through
the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump on its way to the vault underneath the Bellagio during the psychopathic vigilante convention.
That'll work just as well.
Seriously, don't characters on Degrassi ever take a look at the things that keep happening to the people around
them and say to themselves, "maybe tonight I'll just go home and read a magazine or something"? ~The-Seth at
Go Darco . . . I guess.
21 May 2006
know, the heart wants what it wants, and Marco's heart wanted fierce, challenging Dylan instead of sweet, pigeon-toed, poker-chip-pile-arranging
Tim, and so good for Marco for getting what he wants 'cause who could not want Marco to be happy? But can I just say (ahem,
Dylan) that when you are the heart-pulverizer in a break-up, it is so not your right to come marching/stalking back into someone's
life, dissing their new bf right in their faces, yankin' yr shirt off left and right... it's like, have a little respect for
the dude YOU BROKE IN HALF with yr MeMeMe and yr stupid curly hair and crinkly eyes. God. Send him a nice letter apologizing
up and down for what you did, say you want him back, and then sit back and respect whatever decision he makes.
way he was so demanding and like, entitled about it... I totally cringed when Marco said "If you ever hurt me again" and Dylan
was like "I won't." Um, I sure hope not bub, 'cause if you hurt my Marco I will personally come and take your fictional self
down to Love Prison and lock you up for life so you never pulverize again. ~The-Mary,